Easy-Peasy Caesar Salad Lunch


Great meal for school lunches, even for picky eaters.


  • 10 leaves Boston lettuce
  • 5 leaves fresh spinach
  • ¼ cup julienned carrots
  • 1 tablespoon crumbled cooked bacon
  • ¼ cup Caesar salad dressing


  1. Place 5 leaves Boston lettuce on the bottom of a resealable container. Top with spinach leaves
  2. and then the remaining leaves Boston lettuce. Put the julienned carrots on top of the lettuce and sprinkle with bacon. Seal container.
  3. Place the dressing in a small resealable container
  4. so it can be poured on the salad at lunchtime.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 10 mins

Servings: 1

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